Kaeng Nyui Waterfall - Vang Vieng

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A man stands by the Kaen Nyui waterfall and looks up at the sky.

We can only warmly recommend a visit to the Blue Lagoons. But also a side trip to the Kaeng Nyui waterfall belongs in our eyes definitely to the program in Vang Vieng. Only a few people get lost here. Admittedly, there are more impressive waterfalls, but this one is a good alternative to the sometimes crowded lagoons in the area.

A woman walks along a narrow path to the Kane Nyui waterfall.

The easiest way to get there is by scooter, because in Vang Vieng you are almost lost without a motorized vehicle. It would also be possible to cover the 7 kilometers by bike, but the unpaved road has some slopes and is not really pleasant in the midday heat. No matter which option you choose, the path to the waterfall branches off on the main road heading north. A brown sign with the inscription "Kaeng Nyui Waterfall 6,8 km" shows you the way. This would not be necessary, because you can't get lost on the short distance and in case of need the friendly construction workers will help you. The whole area around the small village of Ban Naduang is a construction site. They are working diligently on a paved road.

The first waterfall with a small pool near Vang Vieng.

And also at the entrance to the waterfall is diligently toiling. Men drag heavy stones along the path, because this is also newly laid. About one kilometer the path winds deeper into the forest, easy to walk and with only a few meters of height, so ideal for children. After a short crossing of the small stream, the first small waterfall is already on the right. Over 5 meters the water falls down into a small pool, which is perfect for swimming.

A man balances over stones with Kaeng Nyui waterfall in the background.
A man in a green T-shirt ties his hair into a ponytail.
A woman with long brown hair smiles into the camera at Kaeng Nyui waterfall.

Only a few hundred meters further we already reach the main attraction, the Kaeng Nyui waterfall. Along a 30 meter high wall, the water runs down. Even if it is not water masses, it is definitely worth a visit. Especially worthwhile is also a short trip in the rainy season, because here the waterfall unfolds its full splendor. Be that as it may, the small gravel area and the adjacent pool are a great place for a short rest and to wash off the rod of the road. Daredevils can also treat themselves to a short shower under the cold water before heading back towards Vang Vieng. 

The approximately 30 meter high Kaeng Nyui waterfall in Vang Vieng during the day.
Close-up of the moss-covered wall at Kaeng Nyui waterfall.

The days are counted and for the last sunrise in the small town we have something special planned. The short hike to the Nam Xay Viewpoint is well doable for everyone and the view is simply a blast!

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